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Anna Zorina Gallery is pleased to present the Bradley Hart solo exhibition Memories Fade. The artist’s process incorporates bubble wrap as his support to create two paintings simultaneously to different effect. While the Injection series works are photorealistic, the resulting Impression series paintings are less distinct and show how the paint reacts to the unique artistic method. The interaction between the Injections and Impressions demonstrates Hart’s intention of depicting the plastic quality of memory by capturing a moment and further portraying how the finite characteristics of that memory disintegrate and are manipulated with time.

The Injection works are created through Hart’s application of acrylic paint with a syringe into each individual bubble. The material associated with protecting fragile items is instead used to protect an image, a moment in time. The pixilated effect that the bubble wrap endows on the painting references the common way in which we view pictures today, in photo albums saved online. Hart makes tangible files as a means of backing up the transient moment. The Impression series is comprised of paintings created from the paint remnants on the back, flat surface of bubble wrap. The subject matter is still distinguishable yet has a drippy appearance. The memory has since been obscured and exact details have blurred.

The artist has created paintings that represent important milestones or stages in his life, ones that have made profound impact on his memory. Hart allows the viewer a perspective into his conscience by depicting scenes from the street he often walked in his hometown of Toronto, Canada; the first view of arriving into New York or of his bride at the wedding ceremony. Through employing a meticulous process to portray personal scenes he is making these moments iconic.

Bradley Hart, a Toronto native, lives and works in New York City. He has exhibited his paintings in museums including the Mesa Art Center in Arizona and the Children’s Museum of Art in New York. He has shown in galleries and fairs throughout the United States and Canada. His work is featured in numerous private US and international collections.

For further information, please contact: Marie Nyquist, 212-243-2100

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